Friday, July 30, 2010

Beauty of Handcraft

Why I wanna make Hand Craft???
Maybe I have to explain why I’m interested in making handcraft product. I have a dream that one day in my near future I will live with nature in a village or near forest in South East Asia, and I will learn what I can never learn from city life. And then I could understand what makes me live in this world, hahaha, nice right?? And at the stage even if I have PC skill, facebook skill or marketing skill, it’s kind of useless or second priority. The most important things are “understanding nature” and the skill to “survive with nature”. Here in Suvannakhet and in this ODOP project, it’s really nice field to develop my skill for my future!!!!!

I’m making roof??
A few days ago, our project went to a community of a producer of an ODOP Product (Aloe) to check the satisfaction from our Project. And I found a beautiful “ROOF”. Actually we can find any places in Laos and some places in Thailand too. Please look at the picture. Beautiful right?? For me it is so much. Coz they use only two natural materials to make roof! Moreover all people in a village can make it, which means easy to make it!!! Then I ask him to teach me!!!!! Of cause if I wanna make it steady and beautiful. It’s not easy. But I learn only for 30 minutes and I could understand and make it already, this is it!!!!

maybe everyone think what it is. it can be umbrella,can be fan, can be frame of flag. But I use it for protection from Bogs!!!! really malt-functional tool !!!!

Handcraft training to be continued

Many people think city life is better and developed life than village life.
Many people think they can learn something from village but didn’t do any action.
I found here they have so many things that I don’t have.
why not I learn here, be active

雄揮 / Yuki / ยูกิ


1 comment:

  1. It seems you learn a lot of things there!!

    Hope everything is alright na.

    Pai ^^
