Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Joss Stick(線香) Villange

Joss Stick (Incense stick) Village visit
(Producers and Material of Joss Stick)

Today I visit to Joss stick Village, actually it's the first time to see how to make and who is making Incense stick/ Joss stick. I was not interested in this product actually, coz it seems really boring. But this visit changed my mid set in good way.

Actually it's wonderful product!!!!! It's really hard to make this product. you know most of the producers of this products are girls who are working at rice farm. And they make it when they don't have to work for farm.

And ODOP Pilot Project (our Project) support this product. Basically they already made it before we approached, so we support to make the quality of it better by inviting trainer from Thailand and advice the package to make it marketable and look for the market to sell.
New oneNew one and old one

Of cause I tried to make joss stick there.

This is the way to dry joss stick that Thai Trainer taught.

This one is the most hard point of the process of joss stick.
we need to make the material pieces using really heavy tool. Woman is doing it for 1 or 2 hours every time. I tried, it's really hard work yea.

And this village has also village fund to support production of joss stick, which is amazing.

I just stay there for 1 hour or so. But I felt I learn a lot of things there.
It's because basically I didn't know the real life of those people.
I hadn't ever visited and experienced.

After this Project before I worked or took master degree,
I may visit many village to stay to study in real life there.
I believe that it makes my life enriched and better.

雄揮 / Yuki / ยูกิ


1 comment:

  1. hey !! in the last pic, u look like a son helping a mother cook.
